Amplify Your Content By Repurposing It Everywhere

Maher Abiad
7 min readMar 24, 2017

Content marketing is one of the best ways to get in front of a massive audience online to get them to know about you and your brand.

With the size of the internet, however, it’s often difficult to get all of your messaging in front of these people.

This is where the power of repurposing comes in, and it’s a tactic which I do with all of my pieces of content that I produce.

Let’s jump in and find out how you can start using this technique with your content marketing starting today.

What Is Repurposing Content Anyways

People are everywhere online. This is a good thing because it means you have a lot of opportunities to build up your audience and traffic to your website.

At the same time, this makes it difficult to get your awesome message in front of them.

So let’s take for example that you write an article and post it on your blog.

Repurposing your content means that you take that original blog content and take the context of it, and use it in another medium.

Repurposing your content is the most effective way to amplify your message for more people to see

So if you write a text article, you can repurpose the same content by creating graphics from that content.

Another example is to use the medium of video to say the same thing but in a different way.

Why You Should Repurpose Every Piece Of Content

With digital marketing, you are always fighting for attention online, plain and simple.

And this is an exact reason you need to be everywhere your audience is online.

You need to repurpose each and every one of your content pieces to maximize the effects of your work. Otherwise, you are throwing away a ton of opportunity to get in front of more people and in more places.

You spent so much time and effort to create a piece of content, why should you not allow more people to consume it?

Repurposing your original piece of content will help increase your magnification 100 times more, and you will see more results, more traffic, and more reaction to what you are trying to promote.

The more places you are online, the better it is so you can show that you are a real authority and people should pay attention to what you have to say.

It’s not hard at all, and its super effective. So don’t think that this will add more effort and more work.

When you have a plan in place to repurpose, you can get your time down to a minimum so you can focus on getting more great content out on the net.

Awesome Easy Ways To Repurpose Your Content

Once you get into the habit of repurposing, you will wonder how you lived without it.

Here are just a handful of ways you can take a simple blog article and convert it to other mediums to post on other channels.

Create Quote Graphics For Instagram

This is an excellent way to show your authority and get your messaging out to an engaging audience.

First of all, people resonate a ton with images, and you should always use images in each and every one of your social posts.

Secondly, quotes are hot, and people love the inspiration and motivation behind them.

Take a short line from your blog post, and create a quote graphic, and post that on Instagram.

Instagram is the best place for motivational quotes, and if you add your image as the graphic with a fresh filter, you heighten the effect of your message.

Create A Slide Deck Presentation For SlideShare

Sometimes people just want to get right to the point with your content, and there is no better medium to do this than with a slide deck.

With a slide deck, you take your biggest points and place them in a pleasing, and attractive manner.

You allow your audience to consume the content in point form, which allows you to have more impact with your message.

So with this medium at your disposal, take your original blog post content and create a slide deck presentation which you then upload to SlideShare.

SlideShare is the slide deck authority online where everyone posts their presentations.

This gets you on a site that gets so much traffic and allows you to get your message out to a lot more people.

Another tip for use on SlideShare is to take the embed code from your slide deck presentation on the site and embed it onto your very own site, right inside the blog post itself.

Create A Video And Post It On YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and the home to millions of videos that get uploaded daily.

People love video, and that is more than apparent with the scale YouTube offers.

One of the best ways to utilize the popularity of video and the traffic YouTube gets is to take your blog post and make it into a video.

You can do this by just setting up your camera and speaking your post.

You don’t have to recite it word for word, but just give the details of your post so people can now immerse themselves with your emotion with the sights and sounds.

Turning your posts into live action videos is an incredible way to allow people to consume your content in an entirely different medium, but at the same time, you didn’t have to create any new content.

You just took your existing content and just changed the way it was delivered to your audience.

Take A Video Clip And Add It To Facebook And Twitter

Video as I just mentioned is such a powerful medium. And this is more apparent on Facebook itself.

Video dominates on Facebook, and that’s why you should go through that video you just made for YouTube, and take a 1-minute clip of the best portion of it and post it on Facebook.

Think of it as a teaser to your full piece, a way to get people to want to click through to your content on other channels.

This becomes even easier when you can take that same clip and add it to Twitter as well.

The power of Twitter goes without saying. When you combine your clip with related hashtags, you allow your discoverability to go through the roof.

It’s about being in more places, and these two social media giants are the biggest in the world, so being able to get onto them by doing a simple upload is a no brainer.

Turn Your Blog Content Into An Infographic For Pinterest

Did I mention people love infographics?

These things get shared like hot cakes and for a good reason.

Infographics are straight to the point, in your face pieces of content that just look right, and are easily shareable.

They tell you what you need to know and don’t have any fluff.

And on Pinterest, infographics are king. And this is where you can turn this to your advantage.

Making infographics is not that difficult, even if you are not the next Picasso, you can easily create a captivating infographic with such tools as my favorite, Canva.

When you make your infographics informative, you invite people to share it with their friends and get a greater reach out for your message.

Pinterest is a place for visual content, and there is nothing better than infographics to show your thought leadership.

Final Thoughts

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to capture a greater audience and have a bigger reach.

Repurposing your content is a must if you want your content marketing efforts to give you the most significant benefits.

Start doing this today; you have no excuse for not taking one blog post and converting it to something more.

You will soon get into the habit of repurposing all of your content pieces to dominate your marketplace and portray your authority and leadership.

What are some other ways you are repurposing your content? Share your story with me in the comment section below.



Maher Abiad

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