Customer Service Quick Tip: How To Respond To Negative Reviews

Maher Abiad
2 min readMar 17, 2017

Looking at online reviews is the go-to thing to do when people want to make a purchasing decision and are progressing down the buyer’s journey to find the best company to deal with.

Getting a great, raving 5-star review is a big win for any business, and you should get as many as you can at all times.

Occasionally, though, some people just have a bad experience with your brand and take to the internet to let the world know.

Steps To Always Take

Here are three quick tips for a business owner to take to respond to a negative online review.

1. Always Respond To All Reviews

It is very highly recommended that you respond to all reviews made such as when you even get a positive review. This is more so with replying to a negative review.

It allows people to see and hear both sides of the coin which gives you a chance to state your case.

2. Never Attack The Person

The last thing you ever want to do is go on the offensive yourself and start attacking the reviewer who left you that negative review.

You don’t want this to be an emotional event, and you want to keep it black and white so don’t get your emotions to be behind what you type.

3. Ask That The Conversation Be Taken Offline

To avoid any further damage by both parties, you don’t want a shouting match going public.

This is why you can say in your reply to send an email so you can connect through offline channels that way you can help the person fix any issues they faced with your service.

Final Thoughts

A way to get more positive reviews is to always ask your clients after an interaction with them.

So for example, if you are in a service based business, such as a massage therapist or chiropractor, ask your client to give you a positive review after their treatment.

These are just some tips to help your business deal with an unfortunate situation and negative review.

Let me know in the comments section below your story and how you handled the situation while dealing with a negative review.



Maher Abiad

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