How To Use Your Blog To Scale Your Business

Maher Abiad
3 min readMar 17, 2017

Years back, the focus of many SEOs was to concentrate on manually building links to generate some more authority to their websites or that of their client’s sites.

Over time the game online has changed, and the way people use the internet has changed as well.

This is where content marketing makes its mark as one of the leading ways of generating attention and traffic to a website.

Subsequently, with enough quality content being produced backlinks are naturally accrued from other bloggers and websites that want to link to that useful content.

Why Your Blog Is Your Greatest Asset

A company’s blog is more than just a place where weekly or monthly posts get published.

A blog is one of the most powerful tools a business has in its arsenal to succeed at digital marketing.

We use our blog in many ways which include demonstrating our authority in the marketplace.

This is where we use the power of free to spread out niche, and industry related messaging to our audience to attract them to our offerings such as our marketing services.

Another powerful way businesses can use their blog is to get people to sign up for their list and newsletter, to capture their email addresses to be able to connect with them at later times.

How You Should Be Using Your Blog

Once people realize that a blog is a tool to attract and create awareness, then success is bound to come right after.

And that is the key to building up your business online, is the first stage of the buyer’s journey which is awareness, and this is how the blog helps you accomplish that day in and day out.

Your blog is the focal point of your website, where you generate content to place on the blog to build up traffic to your site.

You then use that traffic to build awareness to what you are selling at the end of the day which is your products and services.

Final Thoughts

Don’t just think you have to blog just because it’s the cool thing to do.

Your job with blogging is to generate quality content that gets traction with your audience.

That audience then shares it among their following where your message gets amplified even further.

Blogging is the key to getting people to know about your brand. You have to blog, and you have to blog often, as this is the only way to be top of mind for your audience consistently.

When you get into a habit of posting content on a regular schedule, blogging becomes a lot easier, and your messaging becomes more effective.

What are some of the tactics you are using to generate more traffic to your website from your blog? Leave me a reply in the comment section below; I would love to hear more about what is and what isn’t working for you.



Maher Abiad

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