The Most Valuable Skill For Leaders

Maher Abiad
2 min readMar 17, 2017


As Founder and CEO of my own company, I have been leading people and teams for close to 20 years now and I have learned and grown so much during that time.

Being in a leadership role gives you a lot of opportunities to grow your company, and make important decisions that affect the direction of where the business goes.

But there is one skill and trait in particular that stands out above all others regarding becoming a great leader.

What Is The Most Valuable Skill To Have

I can say without question, that the most valuable skill for a leader to have is vision.

When a manager, for example, tries to lead a team, they absolutely have to be a people person in which they can motivate individuals and delegate tasks for the job and project to be completed.

But what makes great leaders great, is that they are visionaries. They don’t just look at the near future or the small picture, they look at the entire view, taking into account the best path and direction to take to get to their ultimate goals.

A strong leader is someone who doesn’t just rally the troops, but someone who can see where they are going, not just physically be going, but figuratively speaking of course.

Leaders such as Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffet don’t just tell people what to do, they know that every action that someone takes are for a greater good, something much bigger, and with every action is getting the company, individual and business closer to achieving that goal.

So is this something that can be taught? Sure it can.

And when it is, it has to be made clear that leadership is a gift that one holds, and with it comes great responsibility.

All great leaders are visionaries that knew what they wanted in life and in business; then they reverse engineered the exact steps needed to get to where they needed to go, and then the last piece of the puzzle fell into place — execution.

Final Thoughts

When you are leading your team, managers, executive staff, and employees, you need always to stay focused on the bigger picture.

Without that clear vision, it won’t matter what tasks get done and which don’t because you won’t be working towards anything anyway.

Now it’s your turn. What are other traits necessary to make a great leader? Leave me a message in the comment section below; I would love to hear your stories.



Maher Abiad

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