What Is The Greatest Thing Entrepreneurship Has Given You

Maher Abiad
2 min readMar 17, 2017

I say this all the time, but life is full of learning opportunities that shape us over time to become who we are.

From the people we meet to the experiences we have, everyone’s direction in life is unique and takes its own twists and turns.

One thing is sure, though, that for those that have ventured out on their own, and gone the entrepreneurial way, it’s been a once in a lifetime experience that no one can ever forget.

What Being An Entrepreneur Has Given Me

When I graduated high school over 20 years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I worked at lots of places and had many jobs.

While learning a lot along the way, though, I never felt that I was living out my life, but was living someone else’s and making their dreams a reality.

It wasn’t until I started my own business and began working for myself did I finally start to see where I wanted to go.

The thing about entrepreneurship is that it’s hard to teach, this is because of everyone’s visions, dreams, goals, realities are so different.

No one taught me to be an entrepreneur, and I had to learn a ton of things of how to run a business along the way, how to manage people, and how to convince others to buy.

I have worn every hat in every department, and that’s what entrepreneurship is about.

It’s about learning as you go: failing, getting up, falling down again, and then picking yourself back up. What I have always known was that I wanted to take my own paths in life, and the greatest thing that being an entrepreneur has given me: freedom.

The freedom to live a life that I controlled, to be able to walk in my own shoes, and face challenges that made me stronger every single day.

What Has Entrepreneurship Given You

We all have our individual stories to share, and now it’s your turn to tell me yours.

What is the greatest thing being an entrepreneur has given you?

Share your story in the comment section below, and above all else, keep your head up high, and keep pushing forward no matter what.



Maher Abiad

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